Wednesday, 18 September 2013

First analysis.. Annie Lizbowitz

Annie was a American Portrait photographer aged 63. She worked for the rolling stone and vanity fair magazines,and then moved onto advertising compains,and now works publishing and exhibiting her own work.

The photo is set out in a stress less manor,quite a chilled portrait. As there is nothing behind them accept a plain background it makes the people stand out more.

To me they look like mother and daughter, who just wanted some quite time,to themselves so they can show they care and love each other.

Perou,Lady on the steps assignment 2

I really fell in love with this photo,some people feel invisible to others,we all hate that feeling when the world is against us. Once i looked at it for a little while it made me think some people just want to watch the world go by,everyday life. Sometimes its nice to see the world from a different point,maybe she didn't like the way her life was so she thought she's watch others life.

It is a inspirational picture in my opinion because how ever hard you life gets don't give up,there's always something good around the corner,you just got to wait. How ever some people think this photo is sad,upsetting,but i love it,you're not invisible somebody loves you for who you are. How ever i asked my family,and they said she maybe getting ignored as there is no one else on the steps with her,she's lonely,she just needs someone to talk to..